
A Dream

Asif Town – June 16, 2013

As I went to bed I prayed that the Lord would lead me in the message I needed to share in the morning. The Lord seemed to put an idea on my mind that would take the message I had been thinking of in a slightly different direction. I wrote it down and went to sleep. I woke up two hours later unable to sleep so I got up to make the  changes to the message. I did not get any more than those two hours sleep that night.

With so little sleep I was very concerned about how I was going to preach four times that day. We traveled about forty minutes to Asif Town on the outskirts of Lahore in an air conditioned public transit bus. When we arrived  at the bus stop in the town, we were picked up by car and driven to the church. 

There were about 50 people present at the church.  I preached on Paul's statement that he considered his life worth nothing unless he spent it doing the task the Lord had given him. After the service, a number of people came forward for prayer. A number of women brought their children for me to pray for. One lady asked that I would pray that the Lord would open her womb so that she could have a child.  Young men came forward asking that the Lord would help them grow spiritually. One young man asked me to pray for his education. Another, that the Lord would fulfill his desire to be a pastor. 

One woman came forward with four children. She asked me to pray for them. She told Emmanuel that she had a dream the day before. In that dream the Lord told her that a white man would come to her church. This man would have white hair and a beard. She told Emmanuel that she rushed to church that morning to hear me. When she saw me come into the church she know I was the one in her dream. I prayed for her and her children, thanking the Lord for revealing this to her. 

On the way back from the meeting, I spoke with Emmanuel about this. We recognized that this meeting was not in our original plan. We had planned to take time off to visit northern Pakistan. The Lord closed that door and instead gave us more speaking engagements. We felt that this dream was the Lord's confirmation of our decision to continue working and not take time off. 

The other thing that amazed me was that despite only having two hours sleep that night I felt strong and able to get through the meeting and back to Emmanuel's home by 3 in the afternoon.  There at Emmanuel's home I was able to get one hours rest in preparation for the evening seminar.